Canadian Etiquette. Interview

Every workplace has its own culture. Canadian workplaces may be different than what you are used to. The following are some tips of work behavior during the interview and once you got the job.

In the Interview
First Impressions
Your first impression in the interview involves your smile, handshake, clothes, personal space and scent. 

Using false information about your work experience and educational credentials may get you fired, viewed as untrustworthy.

Table Manners
In Canada we wait until everyone is served before we begin eating.

Don't Receive Phone Calls
If you have forgotten to turn off your cell phone, turn it off when it rings and apologize. It is considered rude to answer a phone call when you are in an interview.

Which Chair to Sit
Normally you wait to be offered a chair when you come into the interview room. If this doesn't happen, ask where you should sit. 

Be thankful for the Interview
It is expected that you send a short thank you note by mail or email after an interview. 

E-mail Names
If your e-mail it is not appropriate for everyone, it may be better to have 2 different e-mail addresses.